Four States in 4 Hours
On our RV Trip Wizard map it is 3 hours, 51 minutes or 246 miles from Fountainebleau State Park in Louisiana to Postal Point Beach campground at the Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. This leg of our journey with our granddaughter would take us on Interstate 10 through the southern part of eastern Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and the western tip of the Florida panhandle. We traveled just north of Biloxi and Gulfport, Mississippi, through Mobile, Alabama and Pensacola, Florida. Our plan was to spend two days near Karen's cousin Gary's home in Shalimar, Florida and Eglin Air Force Base was the ideal location.
We arrived at Eglin AFB on Monday, April 3, secured our visitor credentials to be on base and drove past the runway as two F-22 Raptors were taking off and WOW. those aircraft are incredibly loud! It took us a while to figure out where Postal Point was located, but when we finally found our campground we were totally impressed with the venue. The campground sits on a peninsula surrounded by the Boggy Bayou to the north and Choctawhatchee Bay to the east and south.

This was our view looking south from the campsite. The sea breeze off the water helped keep the humidity and ambient temperature within a pleasant range so we could sit outside, enjoy the view and eat our meals.

On Tuesday, April 4 we drove to the Fort Walton Yacht Club and arrived at 10 AM to meet Gary and go out on his 320 Catalina sailboat for the day. Yes, you read this post correctly, Karen was going on a sailboat! We were joined by his two daughters and his three grandkids so we had a full complement of nine souls aboard. We motored out of the harbor and raised the jib only (to keep the boat from heeling too much). We spent about four hours hanging out on the water. Karen and Morgan even walked out to the foredeck to sit on the cabin outside the cockpit. It was a fun time connecting with Gary after so many years and seeing his kids and grandkids. I don't think Karen was ever concerned for her safety while we we our on the water. I think she was distracted by the fearless little ones sitting on the rail!
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